Is the Earth an organism?

The Gaia hypothesis states that our biosphere is evolving. Once sceptical, some prominent biologists are beginning to agree.

I'd hope that Darwin, were he alive today, wouldn't balk at my non-traditional steps
The Universe would have to be full of dead planets whose homeostatic regulation systems had failed, with, dotted around, a handful of successful, well-regulated planets, of which the Earth is one.
Feedback between different living things is indeed ubiquitous, and some kinds of feedback help life to continue. But those benefits to life as a whole are byproducts – they're accidental. The interactions between species are consequences of the traits and behaviours that evolutionary processes within those species give rise to, and those processes are driven by reproductive competition within each species … From the fact that life still exists, we can tell that traits too antagonistic to life itself, however beneficial to the organisms that bear them, must not have arisen. If they had, we wouldn't be around to discuss the matter. But that isn't what kept those traits at bay.
Material genes were physical objects but informational genes were the abstract sequences of which material genes were temporary vehicles. Material genes were identified with gene tokens and informational genes with gene types … Continuity resides in the recursive representation of immortal pattern by ephemeral avatars …