Our Team

We are a very close-knit team of DHDK students. Even if we never met in person in the last month we have been daily in contact and we cooperated harmoniously, united by our interest in the Information Modeling and Web Technologies exciting word.

Marida Di Lembo

Graphic Designer

She is always looking for something new to learn. Graduated in Communication Science and International Cooperation. With 15 years of experience in an ICT company as UX designer, now she decided to go in deep also with programming and machine languages. It's not easy at all!

Sarah Ullerich

Publishing Student

Sarah graduated in Media Studies and is currently finishing her M.A. Publishing in Germany. She is attending the class Information Modeling and Web Technologies as part of her Erasmus+ semester and enjoys learning about different technologies.

Nguyen Tuong Van Le

Digital Explorer

Nguyen is a DHDK student of the 2021-2023 cohort. She has a background in Comparative Literature and French Studies. She finds her digital turn challenging but rewarding so far. In this project, she is responsible for the Javascript, the early twentieth century and the 2030 typographies.